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Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Don’t ignore the warning signs.

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Get treatment for CAD.

A regional cardiology leader, we specialize in treating CAD, a condition where your heart's arteries narrow, reducing blood flow. Our approach combines advanced care with a personalized care plan, using the latest technology to improve your heart health and quality of life. By understanding CAD, you’ll have the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.


This condition develops when the heart's blood vessels, called coronary arteries, get narrowed or blocked. CAD can reduce blood flow to the heart, making it harder for it to work properly. At St. Luke’s, we use a focused strategy to manage this common yet serious condition.

What we treat

CAD is often caused by a buildup of calcium and fatty deposits, called plaques. These atherosclerotic plaques can lead to heart attacks, cardiac arrest or heart failure.

It's important to recognize that daily habits, combined with family history and living environment, all contribute to the risk of developing this condition.

Angina (chest pain)

Angina is chest pain or discomfort occurring in an area of your heart muscle as a result of not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. You may feel pressure or squeezing in the chest or pain in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw or back. It may feel like indigestion. Angina is not a disease – it is a symptom of an underlying heart problem, usually coronary artery disease.

We’ve been recognized.

St. Luke’s has earned Chest Pain Center Accreditation from the American College of Cardiology. This prestigious recognition signifies our commitment to rapidly diagnosing and treating heart attacks, minimizing damage to the heart muscle. In offering the latest technology for the care and treatment of cardiac patients across our campuses, this accreditation positions St. Luke's as a leader in the Lehigh Valley's cardiac care.

The following campuses are recognized for Primary PCI:
Allentown Campus | Bethlehem Campus | Monroe Campus

The following campuses have accreditation as chest pain centers:
Carbon Campus | Geisinger St. Luke’s Campus | Miners Campus

ACC Accreditation Services | American College of Cardiology

Atherosclerosis and plaque

Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is a common condition that develops when a sticky substance called plaque builds up inside your arteries, causing them to become thick and stiff. Over time, the plaque can cause arteries to narrow, reducing the supply of oxygen-rich blood to tissues and vital organs. Atherosclerosis can lead to coronary heart disease, angina, stroke, blood clots, peripheral artery disease and chronic kidney disease. Treatment for atherosclerosis includes lifestyle management, medication and coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery.

Coronary artery disease (CAD)

Coronary arterial disease develops when the arteries of the heart become narrowed from fatty deposits, which can cause chest pain or heart attack.

Heart attack (myocardial infarction)

Early heart attack care is about knowing the subtle danger signs that can occur days or weeks before a heart attack. By paying attention to mild changes in your body, you can prevent a heart attack and significant irreversible, damage to your heart.

You may or may not experience any or all of these symptoms. You may experience mild chest symptoms, such as pressure, burning, aching or tightness. These symptoms may come and go until finally becoming constant and severe:

  • Feeling of fullness
  • Nausea
  • Pain that travels down one or both arms
  • Jaw pain
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Chest pressure, squeezing, or discomfort
  • Back pain
  • Shortness of breath

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, take four baby aspirin or one adult strength aspirin (325 mg), and call 9-1-1 immediately.

High cholesterol (lipid disorders)

Cholesterol levels that are too high may pose serious risks. Patients with cholesterol imbalance should be seen by lipid experts for proper assessment and treatment. Cholesterol and other fats that are carried in your bloodstream are called lipoproteins. The most commonly known lipoprotein is low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

Services we offer

When addressing CAD, we aim to manage symptoms and prevent disease progression. A comprehensive care plan may include lifestyle changes, medications to address underlying causes and surgical interventions to improve blood flow. Each treatment is customized to meet your needs, prioritizing long-term heart health.

Angiograms and catheterizations

Angiography or arteriography is a medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins and the heart chambers.

The cardiac catheterization laboratory (also called the “cath lab”) is a specialized invasive procedure area where many of the invasive cardiac procedures are performed including: coronary and peripheral angiograms, angioplasties/stents, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, balloon valvuloplasty and more.


Lipid Management Program

An imbalance of cholesterols – high LDL (“bad cholesterol), low HDL (“good cholesterol) or triglycerides – increase your risk for heart disease, stroke and vascular disease. St. Luke’s Lipid Management Program consists of physicians with special training in lipid imbalance, dietitians, genetic counselors and pharmacists, who work together to reduce your risk or slow the progression of these diseases. They develop a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient, including lipid testing, blood pressure management, nutrition counseling, and exercise.

Lipid management graphic
Stethoscope icon

Your recovery starts here.

If you’re experiencing heart concerns, let us help. Connect with a St. Luke’s cardiac specialist and start your path to recovery.